Photo Mosaic Types

Foto-Mosaik-Edda can create other mosaic pictures, in addition to the Classic Mosaic Picture, where the tiles with the same proportions are arranged next to and under each other.

  • Parquet Mosaic Picture: Here the tiles are arranged like a parquet floor. Photos with landscape and portrait format are used together. During the creating of the parquet mosaic picture, different patterns can be chosen.
  • Chaos Mosaic Picture: A completely new type of mosaic picture. Here the tiles are placed over and under each other in random sizes and rotations to form a collage. The mosaic picture creates the impression that someone strewed a great stack of photos across the floor. The original format of the database tiles will be retained.

Ken je deze al?

Wij houden van foto's en gepersonaliseerde drukproducten. Bekijk ook onze andere creatieve cadeau-ideeën:


Favoriete foto's verenigd in een uniek kunstwerk

Gepersonaliseerde Stadskaarten

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