
In addition to the free Standard Version of Foto-Mosaik-Edda,there is the Professional Version available which offers aneven wider range of services.

The versions are comparedin the table below. The Professional Version can bepurchased by clicking the " Buy "button in the table.Immediately after payment is received the system willautomatically send an invoice, the download link, and thelicense key to your email.  

If you have questions aboutyour order status, or have other concerns or suggestions, please contact me .

29,90 €
Paypal, Fattura, Carta di credito, Bonifico

Comparison Table

  Standard Professional
Operating system: Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 Windows NT, 2000,
XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Multicore and 64 bit support for a fastprocessing:
Also available as a Portable Version, for example, fora USB stick:
Creates photo mosaic pictures in Classic Style:
Creates photo mosaic pictures in Parquet Style ( Screenshots ):

Creates photo mosaic pictures in Chaos Style ( Screenshots ):

Required use of all photos in the database:
Uses only tiles from the database which match the giventile format:
Avoids using the same tile twice within a user- definedradius:
Creates a *.csv file as a source reference of thephotos used in the photo mosaic picture [Example] :
Price (sales taxes included): Free
29,90 €
Paypal, Fattura, Carta di credito, Bonifico

Conosci già?

La nostra passione sono le foto e i prodotti di stampa personalizzati. Dai un'occhiata anche alle nostre altre idee regalo creative:

Collage Fotografici

Foto preferite unite in un'opera d'arte unica

Mappe Cittadine Personalizzate

Il tuo luogo e momento come un'opera d'arte unica